
So one a day died… It’s pretty clear.  There was a few hiccups in regularity speckled with intermittent computer problems, and it just degenerated into the collapse of the blog.  Which is unfortunate to say the least.  I know at least a few people looked forward to seeing what was here, and for the most part I really enjoyed making the pictures, speckled grumblings on tired nights.  That and ultimately the photos that I took ultimately made me a better photographer.

Just to keep you updated, just because there hasn’t been activity here, doesn’t mean that I haven’t been taking pictures.  The contrary is actually true, I’ve been shooting a bunch, but haven’t been shooting personal stuff.  This has to change.

Now… a new blog is coming.   But I am also debating on reanimating the corpse of One a Day.  Now its just a matter of deciding whether to make it Better, Stronger, and Faster or to allow it to degenerate and feast on the brains of those who underestimate it.



Came home to my roommate sitting on the kitchen floor somewhere between laughing and crying, making puddles of blood on the floor.  Dropped my stuff on the kitchen table, and helped helped her clean the cut on her second toe.  One of our kitchen tiles is cracked, and she managed to slice her toe open.  After the bleeding slowed down and the peroxide bubbled up with blood, I told her I was sorry for being a weirdo and grabbed my camera.  She said she was a weirdo too, because she didn’t see anything wrong with that.


Home is Where You Lay Your....
Home is Where You Lay Your....

Have been having some serious internet issues, I tried to upload this photo 9 times, and I’m currently 5 days behind on uploads.  Brooklyn has really started to feel like home, but I’m still feeling trapped between worlds.


Easy Riding
Easy Riding

I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before, but I spend an inordinate amount of my time between work and home in my car.  So it seems to be inevitable that I end up taking photo’s behind the wheel.


Neon Fetish
Neon Fetish

Two days strong, I’m taking this like AA “one day at a time.”  However it seems like I always come back  to what makes me comfortable.  Neon seems to always get me salivating.