
See You Space Cowboy
See You Space Cowboy

Lot’s of stuff going on today, and tomorrow is going to be even crazier.  I don’t know whether this reminds me of Stargate or Cowboy Bebop.  Or why for that matter.  More tomorrow.


Setting Up Shop

Went on a B&H spending spree today.  It’s like sending a kid into ToysRus with a credit card.  This sexy paper will be used to print one a days for anyone who wants them.  Storefront’s coming.


xmas time is over
xmas time is over

Two days in a row. Three Hundred Sixty Three to go.  Was going to take photos of the tree that I had to drag out of the house, but saw the light streaming through the window made me want to take something there instead.  Holidays are over so now we just have to trudge our way to spring.  Boo to winter, seasonal depression, and having no love for winter sports.


In the Begining
In the Begining

In the beginning… let there be light… He separated the light from the darkness… it was good.

I’m paraphrasing of course. This teacher used to make me write Genesis Chapter One, every time I was caught with my shirt untucked at St. Augustine’s.  One time I remember thinking “I’m not doing this.” My punishment was to write the same chapter alternating color between letters.  That’ll show me… to be an atheist.  I must have written the creation story at least fifty times(at least it feels that way.)  Couldn’t she have mixed it up?  Maybe some Sodom and Gomorrah?  King Solomon? Some Book of Revelations? The four horseman of the apocalypse would have at least been a bit metal.

I had a tangent before I even got to begin.  I’ll keep it short and sweet.  I’m rebooting one a day.  Consider this a 2.0.  I have another blog starting soon, but I miss doing this project, because it really helped me improve.  So let’s consider this another New Years Resolution.


Running like crazy, just snapped some photos of Weird Science that I liked so wanted to update.  I’m going to listen to some DK on my drive home now.




So I came to a realization last night that I really need a project that I have a passion for.  I have a bunch that I want to work on, two of which are blogs and photo projects, a few writing projects, a tech project.  I have a problem though.  I have absolutely no time to do anything.  Looks like I need to get creative with my time management skills.


Painted Out of Foicus
Painted Out of Foicus

Still getting the hang of the shallow depth of field on the 70-200, this ones out of focus, but I really like how this one came out.  It’s funny how I still like the happy accidents more than some of my on purpose pictures.



Band was good, but fried whatever it is, was hogging my attention for at least 1/250 of a second.


National Geo at the Track

It’s been an offensively long break.  I’m going to try get this moving a little bit, at the very least 1 a week, might be time for a name change.  Have a few projects that I’m trying to start cooking, stay tuned to the Facebook page for the details.