So one a day died… It’s pretty clear. There was a few hiccups in regularity speckled with intermittent computer problems, and it just degenerated into the collapse of the blog. Which is unfortunate to say the least. I know at least a few people looked forward to seeing what was here, and for the most part I really enjoyed making the pictures, speckled grumblings on tired nights. That and ultimately the photos that I took ultimately made me a better photographer.
Just to keep you updated, just because there hasn’t been activity here, doesn’t mean that I haven’t been taking pictures. The contrary is actually true, I’ve been shooting a bunch, but haven’t been shooting personal stuff. This has to change.
Now… a new blog is coming. But I am also debating on reanimating the corpse of One a Day. Now its just a matter of deciding whether to make it Better, Stronger, and Faster or to allow it to degenerate and feast on the brains of those who underestimate it.