Here in Brooklyn, we can pick out books at the bus stop. It’s weird how there aren’t (many) book stores anymore. Music stores are all but dead. Video rental shops? Adios. Except in the neighborhoods that keep these places in business (whether its for irony or nostalgia), these places have just about vanished. I miss the idea of going to the store and renting a tape and vegging out that night and watching it. It was almost a ceremony of sorts. The process of picking it out, taking it home, and settling down to watch it. Don’t get my wrong I love binge watching episodes of Arrested Development on Netflix, but I’m just saying I miss it a little.
I know all generations have to watch things they grew up loving disappear or change, but I can’t imagine it happening as fast as it has for my generation. Although I guess light bulbs and television changed things a bunch..
Anyway pour one out for our fallen homies: Borders, Sam Goody, Tower Records, Blockbuster Video, and all the rest.