Super productive day today. Was found not guilty of a parking ticket, bought a present, got new glasses/sunglasses, tried to give up dairy(and succeeded for the day), and prepared three different dinners.
one hundred fifty three
So as a preface everything I’m about to write has nothing to do with these pictures. I’m going to try to eliminate dairy from my diet… so no milk, cheese, or butter. We’ll see how this goes. I imagine it will be terrible. Eventually I want to get rid of wheat and refined sugars, but one thing at a time. Side note eggs aren’t dairy, told me so. So tons of eggs and almond milk for breakfast.
Bonus Tree in Brooklyn:
Bonus Weave:
one hundred fifty two
Double tapings abound.
one hundred fifty one
I managed to get these photos shot by 12 today, and had grand plans on getting this posted before work. That didn’t happen, but look at these fun pictures I took today.
Bonus Taxi Bush
one hundred fifty
Every year I try to wait to start using the AC. I try to fight coddling myself, in hopes that I’ll have an easier time making it through the summer. This weekend’s heatwave broke me. I woke up from a much needed nap today covered in sweat and groggily stumbled through my closet looking for this ac. I’m very much looking forward to sleeping soundly tonight.
one hundred forty nine
I got to shoot a surprise party for my biggest fan today, and I just thought that this was a really touching picture. She didn’t know that her son, who lives in Canada, was going to be there and this was taken moments after seeing him. I thought the whole thing was really sweet, and wanted to share it with you all. I hope she doesn’t mind.
one hundred forty eight
No time for pleasantries gotta run.
one hundred forty seven
I’ve never been killed by hitmen. So I don’t know what its like in the moments just before you’re killed by hitmen. But I bet its not unlike when you’re on the subway and you realize a mariachi band is about to start playing. -John Mulaney
I’m having trouble starting this one. Every time the doors close on a subway and someone starts to say “Ladies and Gentleman” and its not the train PA I know I’m not going to be able to keep reading and I’m going to feel a modicum of guilt on some level. I probably hate this form of subway theater the least, but I live in constant fear of being kicked in the head. I also feel some compulsive urge to not look, I know I’m not going to be giving anyone money at the end of the act because lets face it I live here too and I have no money.
one hundred forty six
So my car got towed today. Which has next to nothing to do with this photo. I ended up meeting my girlfriend at the Brooklyn Museum after I had biked down to the Brooklyn Navy Yard to pick up my car without my drivers license. So carless I biked back up to the Museum. These kids were skateboarding in front of the museum while the sun was setting, so I asked them if I could snap a few pictures. Is that ever not going to feel weird? For either party? I’m glad I did it, because I do really like this picture(although it would’ve been dope if he was facing me.) I dig the lighting, and its nice to mix up the subject matter. I’m pushing 30 and not as many of my friends still skateboard.
one hundred forty five
So was shooting on the trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange today. And while I thought it was pretty cool, I was pretty disappointed. I wanted people throwing pieces of paper screaming “Buy!” and “Sell! Sell Sell!” Technology ruined it. This photo was pretty indicative of what it was like. This isn’t meant to sound like a complaint, I was really stoked that I got to do some work on the trading floor. It just kind of shattered my perceptions of this fabled place in a pretty underwhelming way.