three hundred sixty five


It’s hard not to feel a bit bipolar about this whole project.  Three hundred and sixty five days of photos without breaking stride.  I knew from the start that it would be hard as this is the second time I’ve attempted to do this.  Last time falling short by about 155 days.  There would be weeks where I would be in a rut, and hate everything I was doing.  A lot of the time I would feel like I had to do this and I got no joy out of it.  It felt like the artistic equivalent of hitting the wall.

This certainly felt like a marathon.

This is without a doubt one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.  The last few months I haven’t even felt the need to share these with other people.  I stopped posting my images to my Facebook page, and started making things in a vacuum.  And I think that really sapped my motivation.  Whether its a crowd or a single person it definitely doesn’t hurt to have someone cheering you along.

I was considering taking some time off as soon as I hit the year mark.  Part of me feels like I should, but after going through the past year of pictures there’s a louder parter of me telling me to keep going.  This doesn’t have to be a  finish line.  I think I want to make it a milestone.  I want to see how much further I can take this.  Start putting some direction into it.  Make the whole thing evolve into something more substantial.  There were a lot of photos from this past year that I’m really proud of.

Thanks for all the support, and lets keep this going another three hundred and sixty five days.
