So I haven’t even been in Montreal for twelve hours, and I’ve already fallen in love with the city. Even just as a journey its interesting. You get in your car in New York and seven hours later you arrive in what feels like a European city. I can’t wait to explore as much of this city as time permits.
One thing that strikes me off the bat is that the city has really embraced graffiti as an art form. Coming from New York(which is inarguably the birth place of graffiti as a modern art form) it makes me kind of sad to see how buildings can be transformed into these works of art. New York’s anti-graffiti initiates since the late 80’s have really crippled the creativity of the work there. Living in Brooklyn the last few years, the majority of what I’ve seen has been something that has been thrown up in a matter of minutes. It’s really rare to see anything that people have put any significant amount of time into.
However in a matter of minutes in Montreal walking down St Laurent’s every block the entire side of a building is covered in a piece. These aren’t acts of vandalism, these are most likely commissioned pieces ordered by the building’s owner. Even a mason that produces Jewish headstones has commissioned such a piece. I suppose today is the beginning of my travelog.
Bonus Graffiti:
Bonus Chairs: