So I’m not sure if its a reflex to counterbalance my angsty teenage years, but I really try not to bitch on the internet. I also notice that when I read people complaining about their day to day lives on Facebook that I feel a certain level of disdain towards them. Not hot blooded disdain, but cries for attention, especially for ones that simply state “Fuck today” or something similarly vague. It is a please ask me why I’m so worked up.
I’m saying this because I really don’t want this to be that, but it’s eerily close. Have you ever noticed that shitty news travels in packs? That mild inconveniences car pool with serious problems and certain what the fuck am I supposed to do scenarios? Any one of these issues on their own are easily dealt with, but when they are compounded and coming at you they seem like they are an insurmountable mountain of problem solving that could very easily shift and become a land slide that will bury and suffocate you? Me either.
I wanted to search out some broken glass, thankfully I live in Crown Heights and just had to walk down the wrong street on this blue skied day. Also I really like this picture I took of paint peeling.