fifty five


I remember having a massive train set when I was a little kid.  It probably wasn’t that big, but I remembered it being enormous.  That seems to be the way with childhood memories.  I have vague memories of playing with it was a child, I think it was on a piece of plywood with that fake green foam grass that rubs of on your hands in little crumbles.  One day I got a flat head screwdriver(somehow) and popped the tracks off the table, snapping them and rendering them useless.  My parents were understandably annoyed.  I can’t remember if they yelled at me, or if they asked me why I did it.  I’m sure I didn’t have any idea why I did it.  I still don’t.  Maybe I wanted to take it apart and put it back together?  I went through a phase when I was older, where I would take apart radios, or remote controlled cars and put them back together.  Sometimes they would still work.  My parents told me that I broke it, they couldn’t fix it, and I couldn’t have another one.  I couldn’t understand why.  That fateful twist of a flat head was the end of my model train conductor days.  Just think.  I could have been a completely different kind of nerd.