The emptiest I’ve ever seen Fourth Ave. I wish I actually got down to the street while the runners were there, sounded insane.
Call it my Duchamp phase. I don’t expect it to last for more than this image, but maybe I should run with it, and just take photos in random public restrooms. There’s nothing that screams sexual predator about that. Right? I mean as long as its empty. Still with me? I should state that I had no intention of shooting a urinal today. The urge just struck me. And maybe its because it’s 3 A.M. but I really like the way this turned out.
Maybe I’ll make a coffee table book Bathrooms of America. Thanks for the idea Mom.
So after living in the suburbs for a few years, you tend to forget certain aspects about living in the city. The poverty and grime are what come to mind. It’s easy to forget when your surrounded by trees, green grass, and rich kids in the cars they got from Daddy.
But it all comes rushing back , when you walk out your apartment door to jump in your car, and stumble over an amber colored water bottle.
There are a bunch more, but I gotta take the dog for a walk, and make it uptown for a Conan taping. To be continued….
Meant to mention that I ended up being forced into finishing Lulabye, which I wasn’t planning on continuing because I could care less about the characters… But being snowed in with no electricity… I finished it in a sitting.