Shot an event today and didn’t feel like it was prudent to put the photos from it up here. It probably wouldn’t be a problem, but better safe than sorry. This reminds me of one of the first photos I ever took. I like the color I was able to pull out of this one.
ninety three
There simply can never be too many nights with great friends, good food, and plentiful drinks. There are only too few.
ninety two
I really want to run along the East River, but I can’t for the life of me decide why. I feel like on a summer day it would just be choked with exhaust fumes.
ninety one
Was wandering around looking for laundry detergent at midnight in Lower Manhattan and saw a bunch of these guys hanging in the window.
This is Will. He’s awesome. Even though I have to fight with him to take my money after he brings breakfast at work for everyone. I won’t hold it against him.
eighty nine
eighty eight
So April 1st was like sixty degrees during the day and twenty degrees at night. Well played mother nature.
eighty seven
This is my momma, she’s knitting a hat. She refused to let me take pictures of her until I told her I was just going to get what she was knitting. Happy Easter.
eighty six
I dropped my girlfriend off in South Ozone today, and they were having the Phagwah parade. A Hindu holy day where every throws powdered dyes on each other. There were so many colorful people, unfortunately I was only able to snap a photo of this gentleman looking up the Q41 bus route. I’m pretty sure that he isn’t bleeding from the head, but instead is just covered in a wet dye.
I made an ass of myself trying to get a portrait of a group of twenty somethings, by hanging out my car window asking if I could take a photo of the four of them for my blog, like some kind of crazy person. They looked nervous and I decided to move along.
I wish I had the time to walk around and talk to people, instead of having to run off to work, but so it goes.
eighty five
Thank god, guys don’t need to have good looking feet because mine could star in a horror movie. These are some of the torture exercises my podiatrist gave me, when I started complaining about big toe and arch pain during and after my runs. They at least appear to be working.