I wish I got the angle a little lower on this one. I’m also not sure if these kids are twins or just wearing the same shorts, shirts, and haircuts.
I wish I got the angle a little lower on this one. I’m also not sure if these kids are twins or just wearing the same shorts, shirts, and haircuts.
Lets go bowling.
Had to crop this one. I have a nice long lens, but it still isn’t a telescope. Its a day late and a dollar short for the super moon, but I didn’t have the time or the clear sky to shoot it when it was nice and big. This will have to do.
Another Sunday another concert. Worked crew and shot some stills for the Travis Tritt show at Empire City. Got a blast of sunset through the haze of the smoke machines. I think the effect worked just great.
So on my walk with Robyn to get bagels this morning(it was like 2:30 PM) we came across this group of people picking berries off this tree near Grand Army Plaza. I was kind of grossed out to be honest. City foraging kind of weirds me out. Unfortunately I was so intent on getting my bagel that I didn’t think to take their picture. So these pigeons will have to represent the freegans that I neglected to photograph.
Technical difficulties made this post late. I found myself in Brewster yesterday, and this house was screaming to be photographed. I wanted to go up onto the property and shoot around, but I figured the odds were 50/50 that the house was abandoned or occupied by a crazy person.
For some reason I keep taking pictures of Andy when he’s shooting camera, and I’m generally pretty stoked about the outcome.
Was trying to get a picture of the guy that works here to take help a customer. Got my shot set up and stood around for a little bit. He started freaking out on me about how he didn’t want his picture taken. So this is what I got. I’m gonna try again at another stand, I really like the crazy colors screaming out, and the framing.
We’re rolling at full steam over here. Summer’s going to be a pretty hectic season.
I love backlighting. I’ve taken a few pics or Will before, but wanted to throw this one up as well.