two hundred thirty two

my lucky charms
my lucky charms

I don’t admit it nearly often enough, but I’m a pretty lucky guy.  I have an awesome and amazing girlfriend.  A family that loves the shit out of me and supports me every step of the way.  I didn’t grow up wanting for anything, but my parents didn’t spoil me rotten so I turned out fairly well adjusted… give or take.   I wanted to be a photographer, and I’m currently making a living taking pictures.  Which is pretty crazy.  Most people don’t even like their job let alone get to do the one that they really wanted to do.  Of course my job isn’t perfect, its not the world changing work that my inner art student wants to do, but its still pretty awesome, and I should count my self lucky.  I don’t have a fancy car or a huge house, but I can afford to rent a modest place in the greatest city on the planet. I have my health and I have people that love me.  I have life long friends, who may not live close by but I’ll still know they’re there for me.

I know I’m lucky, but I don’t acknowledge it nearly often enough.  I think we all need to acknowledge it a bit more.

two hundred thirty one

kicking your feet
kicking your feet

So I’ve gotten well past the point where 1aday stopped being consecutive a little while ago.  I’m super determined to hit three hundred sixty five, and see how much further I can make it.

two hundred twenty nine

brooklyn magic hour
brooklyn magic hour

I cannot imagine riding a vespa on the FDR drive.  I was saying how crazy that was as I’m taking pictures of him while I’m driving.  I realize how hypocritical that is.


two hundred twenty six

Kenny f*cking Rogers
Kenny f*cking Rogers

Kenny Rogers played Empire City last night. Got a couple of choice picks but I think this is my favorite one the way he’s rimmed in light.

Bonus Light Painting:

painting with light.
painting with light.

two hundred twenty four

my lovely assistant willmy lovely assistant will
my lovely assistant will

I had to take 13 portraits today in about an hour.  This guy helped me make it happen.  This was the final lighting setup that we went with.  I really wanted to do some high profile lighting for this, but was afraid that my bosses wouldn’t have been very happy with that.  So I softened out my bare bulb key light and used my flash as a fill.  Think I may work sans soft box for a little while.

two hundred twenty three

see the world through smudge colored glasses
see the world through smudge colored glasses

How the hell did I even see through these.  The next few weeks are going to be a little hectic for me.  I’m really trying not to mail these in, but its not super easy.  If I was taking advantage of my art school education I’d probably say something like:  This photo represents our inability to accurately dissect reality’s prismatic nature in post post modernity’s overabundance of information and stimulus.  The reality is I’ve been super busy and didn’t get a chance to take a 1aday today and my glasses looked kind of crazy when they were blasted by light.  I kind of want to start flexing my art school bullshit muscle.