Just got home from Boston. It’s always nice to get back there, I always feel a bit nostalgic. Good friends, great memories, and always feels like home. This used to be my view driving into work, although this is a bit elevated, since I’m straddling a high chain link fence. Love for Bean Town.
Author: sean
I have to wake up in 4 hours, to drive to Boston. So i’m gonna go ahead and get some sleep.
Long day at the races, I was too hungry to go out and shoot after, so I used some B-roll from tonight.
I wish I remembered today was the 42nd entry, I would’ve done something special, instead of just looking at some skyscrapers. Busy day to day, feeling good about the moves that I’m making.
I had a very good day photo-wise. One of the daily’s got selected for a Gizmodo shooting challenge, and this photo just kind of fell into my lap. I did have to organize giant dead moths though… so there’s that.
Was really stuck on what to take a picture of tonight. I really need to stop saving this until the last minute… Thankfully I didn’t end up having to take a picture of my big toe. I was in a car accident here about fifteen years ago, we were T-Boned and the driver lost control of the car, and we ended up going off the road and down a hill onto this baseball field. Honestly I wasn’t thinking about the accident before going to take the photo, I just saw lights on an empty baseball field, but as I was taking the shots it was all I could really think about.
I initially wasn’t sure why I’ve been getting off on power lines lately, but I think I figured it out when I went to make my pick. I think its how the lines and towers vivisect the image, it makes even a open sky shot interesting., there’s another shot that I really want to try to get in this spot, but that’ll have to wait for another day.
Lesson 1: Don’t drive in NYC with a broken brake light, Lesson 2: Don’t shoot with ISO expansion on, its noisy as hell. I should’ve used a flash, but I didn’t have the time. Honestly this cop scored some major brownie points with me, even though he obviously gave me a ticket, he played along and let me take a picture of him for the daily, so he’s like even money with me right now.
I promise tomorrows picture will be at least partially in focus. This actually was a total accident, as opposed to yesterdays on purpose accident. It’s 4 am and I’m tired, maybe I’ll expound upon this when I wake up, but don’t hold your breath.
The past 2 dailies came from a shooting challenge at Gizmodo, where you’re essentially supposed to fail at taking a picture, but take a good picture. Normally called a happy accident, when a photo is out of focus, improperly exposed, etc. I’m pretty sure this is the one I’m going to unless I come up with something I like more, but this one gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling.
UPDATE: This photo was chosen for Gizmodo’s Shooting Challenge. Top four sounds great to me, totally made my day.