3 eggs for breakfast, no big deal… Off to the consulate today.
Bonus points if you know the bar. Brooklyn slumming it. I don’t really have much to say about this to be honest, so I’ll grandstand for a moment on the fact that congress blocked new rules from being instated that would regulate school lunches more effectively. So a slice of pizza still counts as a vegetable. So big win for the makers of frozen food and french fries, another loss for American kids.
We feed our kids shitty food, teach their classes for the lowest common denominator, and then tell them they can be whatever they want to be. Building a generation of overweight, under educated, entitled brats one sloppy joe at a time.
This is what could easily be called a cop out picture. I forgot my camera at home today, and took this when I got back. There’s only so much for me to take a picture of in my apartment. This is what remains of the back drop I built during my senior year of college. To see it in its former glory go here.
Went to lunch with my Dad at Gallaghers today in Manhattan. Well for me it was technically breakfast, but an 18 oz Sirloin made me think lunch. Heres a whole bunch of them dry aging in the windowed walk in up front. Almost good enough to make love to, but I’ll settle just to eat a few.
Got to shooting with my buddies 70-200 lens at work tonight, took a bunch of racing shots, and a few impromptu portraits. Darragh was setting up for a white balance looking sinister, and I told him to do a Mr. Burns(see result above). Anyone want to front me a few grand for a telephoto lens?
Thought of this shot while I was on my run today. It’s nice to have running back in my life I’ve really missed it. I was starting to get a little stir crazy being on the couch for so long. I never would have thought that I would fiend for running the way I used to fiend for cigarettes.
I wish I could write well when I was this tired. I feel like I can’t complete sentences. Took this at 8 A.M. on my way to work, thought it looked awesome, so I got my daily early. I’m glad my Brooklyn Bridge photo looks at least a little different than every other Brooklyn Bridge photo, maybe my Flatiron shot won’t be contrived either.
So I was trapped in the apartment today waiting for the cable guy. We had to go downstairs through the business in the basement to get to the backyard. Ended up hanging out with the lady that works down there while he worked out back. She was pretty cool, and told me to get one of my friends to read this out loud. Didn’t have the heart to tell her I’d heard about it. Made me think of Aqua Teen and old friends.
Since I’ve moved I’ve spent a few evening walking back to my place to see the shadow of this tree projected across the side of the building. I had taken pictures today, but didn’t feel like I had any that wouldn’t have felt like a cop out if I tried to pass it off as a One a Day. So here we are… I even threw in a bonus puppy. I spoil you guys.