Oh Bokeh you so pretty!
Author: sean
thirty three
I like this picture, and I love me some graffiti. My gut reaction in to hate this particular sticker. A blatant nod to the biggest name in American street art in the past decade or so. I’m going to try to reserve judgement until later.
thirty two
I’m fixating on pasta right now, and I can’t think of anything else to write… so “nom nom nom”
thirty one
Thirty one days? In a row? We’re on our way. I don’t know why I’m saying we. I’m doing it, and I don’t mean the ‘we’ in the royal sense. I don’t really mean anything. I mean… You guys are involved. I’m really glad that I have an audience, and that its growing. This past week I got ten new people following me on Facebook that I’ve never met, and that feels pretty great. Can anyone guess what this is a picture of?
Today getting my work done presented a challenge. I felt like I was going to have to mail this one in, but instead I got in in at the buzzer. This blog is an exercise in getting my work in every day, and that’s what I did.
twenty nine
Shooter has been up here before, she’ll probably be up here again. She was just laying in the sunlight, as she does, looking all lethargic. Then I got all paparazzi on her. There were plenty of flattering pretty pictures of her, but since we’re getting all TMZ already, why not choose this one. I can see the headlines now “Shooter’s partying out of control: Kathy tells her to shape up or scram.” I’m so tired.
twenty eight
Every time I go to The Black Cow I can’t help but getting a little nostalgic. Looking back, those days really were some of the best of my life. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m pretty happy with the way things are going right now and I don’t really have many complaints, but that was the apex of my carefree times. I was surrounded by my best friends, wasn’t in debt, basically free of responsibility, no rent, and no commute. I was living the life, and of course I had no idea.
Now my friends are spread across the globe: (going north to south) Portland, Boston, New York, Oakland, Wilmington, and Sydney. I never see the few that are around because we’re all so goddamned busy. Believe me I’m not getting mopey or complaining, I’m really just speaking out of fondness. I’m just so glad to have made such good friends, even if we don’t get to see each other much it doesn’t really change a thing.
twenty seven
I learned some things today. First, I learned that moving an engine down the back of a pickup truck is really hard… Second, I learned that driving a giant Dodge pickup truck through Greenpoint feels gangster as fuck. It was so ironic, I think I made a few hipsters just throw their hands up in despair. Third, I need to drive with the radio off more often.
I had about two hours in the car with no radio and no cell phone, and was actually free to let my mind wander. I haven’t let my imagination run rampant like that in a really long time. I was actually able to really work out some issues on some projects that had just been gathering dust, and I think all it took was an hour or two of calm. As a culture we’re just so plugged in that I don’t think any of us give our brains time to recharge, and its really important. Its easy to get lost in social media, music, podcasts, work, texting, blogging, instagram, etc, etc, etc that we just aren’t in touch with what’s important to us anymore. We’re constantly being bombarded by outside input and it doesn’t really give us an opportunity to get our ideas out. Maybe I’m just projecting, but I’m sure I’m not alone on this this front. If you feel like you’re getting a little wayward, just unplug for an hour and go for a drive, walk or bike ride. Or shit just ride the subway without headphones on, just make sure to pretend to be asleep when the mariachi band starts playing in your car.
twenty six
Technical Difficulties prevented me from putting this up yesterday. So like the Titanic in Ghostbusters 2 “Better late than never.”
twenty five
Adulthood is kind of boring. My days off consist of folding laundry… Side note: I’m pretty sure I don’t have a single pair of matching socks anymore.